THRIVE@ECU Promotion & Tenure Support Series

Self-Advocacy and One-on-One Support

Thursday, November 10
THRIVE:  Putting your Best Foot Forward: Self-Advocacy in Your PAD (12:00 – 1:30 – Joyner Library 1418 – **New Location**)  The PAD is meant to represent your academic career for people who are assessing your record for promotion and tenure. But one size does not necessarily fit all. This hands-on workshop is designed to provide guidance for how to best package your accomplishments in the PAD, helping you advocate for yourself throughout the tenure and promotion process.  Register Here   

Note: THRIVE@ECU is offering one-on-one collegial advice to assist with constructing your PAD. Faculty can drop in with PAD development questions to their choice of two locations during this time frame: the Bloxton House or the BSOM building. Hosted by THRIVE@ECU and facilitated by Crystal Chambers (Bloxton House) and Ann Sperry (BSOM 7N102).

January 12 1:00-2:30 and 5:00-6:00; January 13 12:00-2:30.